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3/17/2022 9:48 pm  #1

Posting on ODT using a Tablet


You can write your ODT message in the iPad’s PAGES app. In the PAGES app you will write your message in paragraphs just as you want it to appear once posted on ODT. 

 To copy the message you’ve written in the PAGES app so that it can be posted on ODT, put your finger tip on one of the first words in the message you’ve typed in the PAGES app, and a black actions options box will open above your finger.
Additionally the word that you placed your finger on will become highlighted in blue. Ignore the actions box for now.
 At each end of the highlighted box covering the word you clicked on, you will see a large blue dot.

Now “pull” the dot at the left to just past the very first letter of the first word you want to include in the copy. Then pull the dot at the right of the highlighted word to just past the very last period of the last word of your message. As you pull these dots you can include multiple paragraphs.

 Once you have finished highlighting your message, the same black actions options box should reappear. Click on the word “COPY” in the actions box. This method will leave the work you have typed in PAGES and will have copied it, too. 

Next, go to the ODT message page and scroll down to the Quick Post box at the bottom of the webpage. Click in the box like you are going to type in the box. A small black block will open that says “PASTE.” Click on the word PASTE and your exact copied message should fill in the box.

Last edited by tricia-anne (3/17/2022 9:51 pm)

(((hugs))) and prayers

3/17/2022 9:48 pm  #2

Re: Posting on ODT using a Tablet

 Part 2 
Unfortunately, when using the PAGES app, the ODT Quick Post doesn’t recognize the formatting used in Pages. Consequently, if you just hit post immediately after pasting your message in the Quick Post box, your message will appear as a post on ODT, but there will not be a blank line between your paragraphs, as they will all just run together.

 To correct the formatting, after pasting your message in the Quick Post box but before actually posting it, starting with the second paragraph of your message move the curser to in-front of the first word of each separate paragraph and use your delete key to literally back that paragraph into the previous paragraph.
When you back it up, there must no space between the previous paragraph’s period and the first letter of the second paragraph. Now use your return key to create a “new” paragraph by producing a blank line between the two paragraphs.

 To adjust the boldness of the type in your message in the Quick Post box, place your finger on one of the first words and an options box will open with the options of SELECT or SELECT ALL. Click on SELECT ALL. This should highlight all of the words in the Quick Post Box. Go to the options box along the top of the message box and click on the “B” to bold your words in your post. Sometimes it takes a couple of clicks to get the action to happen.

 To enlarge the type size, repeat this process except click on the “Size” option and scroll down to 150 or greater. Click on the size you want and the information in the Quick Post should be enlarged.

 Your message with the best formatting should now be ready to post on the ODT board.
  NOTE: Once your message is posted you can still edit it by clicking on the edit option that is in the bottom right hand corner of your message.

It is basically the same process as using the PAGES app if you use WORD on a laptop. However, the last time I used WORD I do not remember having to setup the paragraphs after pasting my message in the Quick Post box.

Last edited by tricia-anne (3/17/2022 9:50 pm)

(((hugs))) and prayers
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