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5/05/2020 6:25 pm  #1


- Mainly known as Anzac Biscuits here. 
INGREDIENTS (makes about 18 to 20, depending on how big you make the cookies)

Set oven to 325F 
1 cup plain flour
1 1/3 cup traditional rolled oats
3/4 cup desiccated coconut (not flakes)
3/4 cup sugar
1/2 cup  butter
2 tablespoons golden syrup **
1 teaspoon baking soda (bi-carb soda NOT baking powder)
2 tablespoons boiling water. 

** I don’t measure, I guesstimate the golden syrup, I think you could use treacle, the flavour would be stronger though.) 
Mix flour, oats, sugar and coconut in LARGE bowl.
Make a well in the middle.
Melt butter and golden syrup over medium heat, remove from heat, dissolve bi-carb soda in boiling water in small cup (I use the 1 cup measure, no need to wash it first)

Then add the boiling water mix to the melted butter mix, it will foam up, then pour into the dry mix immediately.
Mix well.
Roll large tablespoons of mix into ball, place on lined trays, and press lightly with finger tips. They will spread. No more than 12 to a tray. 

 Bake between 18 to 20 minutes, but check after 15!!
It all depends on how big you make them I think.

Leave to cool for at least 10 minutes on the tray, they will firm a bit, then move to cooling racks. 

We like them chewy, so 18 mins for us, I suggest baking one or two, on small separate parchment paper then seeing how you like them first, try one at 18 mins, then the other at 20 mins. After that you can bake them to how you want each time. It will take longer to do this, but may  be worthwhile to see. You can drag the paper onto a spare tray to cool down.

If you bake on 2 trays, rotate the trays about half way through cooking, I often do separate trays.  

Last edited by tricia-anne (5/05/2020 6:30 pm)

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