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10/30/2014 5:47 pm  #1

Now reading....

I just started Never Home by Laird Hunt.  It is about a woman who fought as a soldier in the Civil War.


10/30/2014 6:28 pm  #2

Re: Now reading....

I'm on book 3 of the Deborah Harkness books. The first was called A DISCOVERY OF WITCHES

I'm enjoying them!



10/30/2014 8:31 pm  #3

Re: Now reading....

I've been reading warranty information!  LOL!  Not exciting!     But necessary!  

Time for a trip to the library!

(((hugs!!!))) & prayers!     ~MnM~ aka Diane

"The secret to having it all is believing you do!" 

10/31/2014 10:10 am  #4

Re: Now reading....

MnM    you need to get to the library ASAP!

Last edited by Admin (10/31/2014 10:11 am)


10/31/2014 5:05 pm  #5

Re: Now reading....

LOL - I don't even know where the library is here?    I've never been much of a reader but there isn't much else to do around here. 


10/31/2014 11:28 pm  #6

Re: Now reading....

Lol!  Thanks for the yawn, Admin! ;0)

Missmommy, I hope you find reading as enjoyable as I do!  (((HUGS!)))

(((hugs!!!))) & prayers!     ~MnM~ aka Diane

"The secret to having it all is believing you do!" 

11/01/2014 10:46 am  #7

Re: Now reading....

Well, I have intentially NOT started a new book since I have been back in school.  I wanted to make school reading my priority and I know if I start a book I enjoy, I will neglect school reading.  However, I miss my esacpe into another world!  Last night I picked up World Without End by Ken Follett.  I know...I pick up the EPIC book (but that is what I gravitate too)!  It started on All Hallow's Eve!  HA...I didn't even know that....but seemed fitting!  But I can not get carried away with it!  I have school reading!!!

okay...I think THIS is post #5....I'm good???!


11/01/2014 12:14 pm  #8

Re: Now reading....

Hey karol0405. I've read a few Ken Follett's and enjoyed them.
I'm reading a biography right now that I borrowed from a friend, 'Untied' by Meredith Baxter (formerly Birney) published in 2011 so not too old.
Its written by her and in a format easily followed.  I'm enjoying it.

If you want to see my latest pics, you can check out my blog:
old one: http://quiltladysgardens.blogspot.com/ 
To Post Pix... http://postimages.org

11/02/2014 9:54 am  #9

Re: Now reading....

I'm reading "Founding Mothers: The Women Who Raised Our Nation" by Cokie Roberts.  It is for a small book group through our Library.  Interesting but not as much fun as a novel, so I am slogging thru it.


11/02/2014 11:52 am  #10

Re: Now reading....

I do like the Ken Follett books, and have read the first two of his Century triology over the last couple of years.  I have downloaded the last book, Edge of Eternity, but haven't started it yet.  As with Amanda, I know I will be drawn in (again) and with me that means nothing else is going to get done!  On my last couple of treks I listened to John Jakes North and South triology.  I read them a couple of decades ago when they came out, watched the tv ministries a couple of times, but still enjoyed the audio books.  I just finished All the Light WE Cannot See by Anthony Doerr which was well written and certainly kept my attention.  Late last month I read the Storied Life of A.J. Fikry by Gabrielle Zevin, and I really liked the book and the story. 


11/02/2014 8:37 pm  #11

Re: Now reading....

I just finished Unlucky 13 by James Patterson from the Women's Murder Club series.  I like his books, this one was a little different but still an enjoyable read.

(I think this is #5 for me too, but I'll check back in with y'all after I hear from my Dr.)


11/03/2014 4:28 pm  #12

Re: Now reading....

I have tons of freebies on my Kindle app, need to start reading them!!!


11/06/2014 1:35 am  #13

Re: Now reading....

We went to see The Best of Me, a Nicholas Sparks movie. I haven't seen any of his movies that I haven't liked.  Don't tell DH, but I'm in love with Nicholas Sparks!

D e v o n n e

11/06/2014 3:54 pm  #14

Re: Now reading....

going to be a romance novel

You can do anything you set your mind to do !
The impossible takes a little longer !

11/06/2014 4:05 pm  #15

Re: Now reading....

so busy now that I am finally retired, will be going to library next wk

You can do anything you set your mind to do !
The impossible takes a little longer !

11/18/2014 2:26 pm  #16

Re: Now reading....

I've been watching all the Christmas movies on Hallmark!  

I've just started reading Mr Miracle by Debbie Macomber.  I'm sure it will be more exciting than the warranty information I previously mentioned.   

(((hugs!!!))) & prayers!     ~MnM~ aka Diane

"The secret to having it all is believing you do!" 

11/24/2014 7:47 am  #17

Re: Now reading....

Discovered a new (to me) author, J. T. Ellison - just love his/her books - think my library only has three and have read them all - unfortunately not in the order they were written and now know there was a first one that should have been read beforehand.

Also just finished another Coble book - she's a great writer - think her first name is Catherine.

Right now reading a couple of Michael Connelly books.


12/04/2014 8:03 am  #18

Re: Now reading....

Have recently finished a couple of new-to-me authors, both excellent reads: The Swiss Affair by Emylia Hall and Promise Kept by Robin Lee Hatcher - enjoyed both of them.


12/18/2014 1:48 pm  #19

Re: Now reading....

Forgot to update on the Debbie Macomber book, Mr Miracle.  I usually enjoy her books, they are easy, no huge plot twists, and I will usually read one of hers after a more complex storyline.  Well....this one was simply boring!  I thought I'd watch the movie on Hallmark to see if they took the idea and made more out of it, but it wasn't any better.     

(((hugs!!!))) & prayers!     ~MnM~ aka Diane

"The secret to having it all is believing you do!" 

12/27/2014 12:04 pm  #20

Re: Now reading....

Just finished two books by p.j.tracy, Monkeewrench and Live Bait - enjoyed both a lot.


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