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11/01/2014 7:26 am  #101

Re: Welcome to the new home of ODT.

Trish- I'll try again on my desktop later.


11/01/2014 10:21 am  #102

Re: Welcome to the new home of ODT.

Goodness ladies!!!  What is going on?  ;)

Well, a big fat thank you to ashley for her quick scrambling to keep us together.

Second a thanks to Judy for the phone call.  I will call you back monday if that's okay.  Working all weekend - and hav a boatload of school work to get caught up on.


11/02/2014 2:41 pm  #103

Re: Welcome to the new home of ODT.

Lost the post!!!

Brenda, go to Index, then General Discussion, open it, more posts are there including Sunday's daily thread

(((hugs))) and prayers

11/05/2014 8:04 am  #104

Re: Welcome to the new home of ODT.

Strings - glad you figured it out.  I always make things like this into a bigger deal than necessary.  I don't do well with change. 


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