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6/01/2024 11:07 pm  #61


Too funny about the socks!!! The boys don't wear different, BUT Dean wears socks with his Nike slides LOL 
Just weird! It's cold so he has socks on, but shorts and t-shirt!!

CHERYL sounds like a fun visit for your (horse) dog! Alfie is the same, just loves to run and sniff, the dogs love coming here, even if they go for a walk, they turn towards our house.

SANDRA that was quite an adventure! good to know there are still calendar worthy fireman LOL Enjoy your soup.  You are having beautiful spring weather, ours is first 2 days of winter - and it really is wintery. Rained all day (and night) and it's cold, actually got colder on Saturday during the day after warmer at night on Friday. p.s. found another series you might enjoy McDonald & Dodds, she's young, he's older and had 10yrs at a desk, and now out to "detect" LOL  and it's set in Bath, one of my favourite places in UK!

HOLLY I did a check  about (US) states visited, I think I was up to 14. I'll have to check again. We love our Mazda CX-5. it's roomy without being too big.

DEVONNE would you consider a Mazda? Have your tired out any? Looking at cars is a real chore, if I ever get another (unlikely ) it will be a Mazda 2, or even 3.
Funny pic with the kids, and spaghetti from scratch is the best, I never use the mix in jars.

JANET hope the trip is going well, and you are enjoying it!

THERESA so what is the mystery quilt, is it Bonnie Hunters? I gave up on them, they all seemed to have small square or tris and I got bored. 

I am trying to get myself organised, I need floor polish/sealer, I do the wood every so often, and I am almost out, I want it done before we leave next week. I have also been plowing through the QAYG, only 6 more blocks to quilt, and have already trimmed the ones done to 17 1/2" squares. I had laid them out with backing so they were spread out a bit, I only have 8 fabrics. So now I need to figure to which way the blocks were oriented. Forgot to note that. 

I have a pork roast in the oven I made my sourdough in the cast iron pot today, it didn't brown very well, so not sure what I did wrong, Pete says it tastes good though!

Se you later!


Last edited by tricia-anne (6/01/2024 11:08 pm)

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