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3/16/2024 9:24 am  #61


Good Morning to everyone!!  It is a beautiful day, 43* at 8:15 and the sun is shining bright, no breeze at all, the flag is hanging still.  Have no plans for the day, Tracy is coming later, probably toward evening.  She had a lot of yard work to do, so decided today was the day.  The flowers on my windowsill are so beautiful, I bought another one yesterday.  It is loaded with bright pink flowers, so pretty. The ones that were there have flowers on two of them, so beautiful, love them.

Have no plans for the day, thought I might quit the computer early and watch TV, believe there are some good programs on Sat. mornings, we'll see.   Well, since I have nothing more to say, will sign off, wishing you all well.  Have a wonderful day, BJ.


3/16/2024 11:54 am  #62


No damage here but maybe some in So. Indiana.  We did have a doozy of a thunderstorm, though.  
This has been some week!  After running somewhere every day but Thurs., yesterday, we went to our Small group, then Howard dropped me off at the hospital to be with friend, Cheryl while her DD was in surgery and for the surgeon's report.  It was a rare malady called Bouveret's Syndrome. The good news:  They accomplished it in the one surgery and she won't need another, as anticipated.  No CA.  So we were rejoicing.  Seven days, at least, in the hospital which never happens these days.  Maybe more, the surgeon said.

Mary Lou, how nice both David and Lynn can come to be with you and see that eclipse.    Our friends, Albert and Carol called Thurs. and they are timing their return from Florida to be in Indpls. at that time so they can see it.  I think we're too far north.  I haven't read anything about it for here.  You'll all have such a good time.  

Devonne,  I'm so happy for Gary.  Anyway, he'll get a bit of a "bonus" by it going back to November.  I know this has been a worry to you, too.  Did your little trees survive?  

I took Mom's walker, (evidently I'm still not claiming it for myself, yet, ) to tool around in the hospital.  For me, it's like a walking a marathon with just my cane--so big and so far--easy peasy with the walker.    

It's time for me to carry on with all that's been neglected over this past, very busy week.  Monday, we have an insurance man coming at 10 am.  and  I have a lot to pick up and put away.  Plus some food prep, etc.
Have a lovely weekend, all.  


Last edited by indyanny (3/16/2024 12:07 pm)


3/16/2024 2:40 pm  #63


I went shopping at Home Goods, Marshalls and Ross for Less this morning. I was going to Kohls, but my feet said no. I met Greg at Chilis. I didn't get much sleep last night and he noticed I was dragging. 

Janet, guess what I heard at 7 am this morning? The smoke detector is beeping in the guest bedroom, right next to my room! Greg said to turn the breaker off to that room until he comes.

I'm getting a paint estimate for my bedroom. Greg's best friend is a painter & can use the money (he's on the "other" SS disability...he's only 45.) We will see if he wants the job after I pick out the paint colors.

D e v o n n e

3/16/2024 7:39 pm  #64


Holly, Ohio is not usually a tornado state.  We have had some in the western part of the state as it is more flat than my area, so it was really unusual for an F3 tornado to stay on the ground thru 3 counties.  Lots of property damage.

MaryLou, we are in the path of total eclipse and my family is so excited.  My son, Anthony, is a huge astrology man.  He, Dean and my son Aaron came over to the Garden Of Gods park a couple of years ago when you all had the total eclipse and we did not.  They camped for a couple of days and had a great time, even though the traffic was pretty heavy.  They already have a campsite a little north west of home and will stay for a couple of days.  Anthony booked it a year ago. If we get our usual crummy cloud cover, they plan to drive on elsewhere, don't know exactly where.  Anthony's astrology club will tell them the best area.  All of the hotels in Cleveland are already booked full.

Devonne, what is the "other" SS disability?

We never got out to go to dinner today.  Aaron came over and Dean was helping him with his taxes.  It took a long while.  When Aaron's company was sold to another, the tax department did not take out ANY federal income tax from the employees.  The employees (Aaron included) just assumed his preferences would transfer to the new company.  Well, it did not and now he has to pay $2500 back.  He said he did not notice because he had just gotten a raise with the new company and he has direct deposit.  Pay attention to you deposits!! 


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