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12/23/2023 10:24 am  #61


My holiday plans have changed again. Sis-in-law called to tell me their granddaughter has Covid so they will reschedule the Christmas gathering that was planned for tomorrow. They will wait to set a new date until everyone is well. It’s possible that the baby’s twin sister or older sister will also get sick so it might be a while.

Last edited by tricia-anne (12/23/2023 9:15 pm)


12/23/2023 12:23 pm  #62


Good Morning, just a quick note as my whole family is here.  Just got out of the shower, hair is still wet, so need to get that taken care of.   Just wanted to say HI!! to everyone.

Have a wonderful day, it is 41* here and sunny, a lovely day, hope yours is the same.   Have a wonderful day, Love, BJ.


12/23/2023 1:32 pm  #63


Trish, thanks for the emails. I'm not using strips, but it helped. I was getting the 2" allowance from the quilting mixed up with the 1/4" seam allowance, lol.

Logan was in a car accident. He works for Enterprise and was driving a brand new Range Rover. A gas tank truck pulled over on him on I-20. He has two back strains and has been to PT. He said it scared the crap out of him, but he's fine. You can see the gas tank in the background. He's a lucky young man!

Greg and Carter are here....later


Last edited by DownSouth (12/23/2023 1:34 pm)

D e v o n n e

12/23/2023 6:14 pm  #64


Devonne, how scary! I’m so glad he wasn’t hurt worse.

Last edited by tricia-anne (12/23/2023 9:15 pm)


12/23/2023 7:04 pm  #65


Marylou, sorry your plans have changed again. I asked Gary if it was just him and Emily coming and he said no...Hannah, Ben and the kids are coming. I'm glad they are able to come. 

I think the SUV will be a total loss. This is why I don't stay next to semis on the interstate or behind any vehicle hauling something or ones with attached trailers. I saw a washer and dryer in the fast lane one day that came out of someone's truck bed.

We booked our hotel rooms today for our Feb. trip. I offered to pay half the hotel bills and pay to park at the cruise port. No waiting for a bus to take us to an offsite parking garage. He's doing all the driving and has always been so nice to invite me along on so many of his & Carter's trips. 

I got all my cleaning done today except vacuuming. Laundry is done too!


D e v o n n e

12/23/2023 9:04 pm  #66


Holly- thanks, sounds like a plan but there are so many I can’t imagine going through them one by one. .
I’ve been trying to get my stuff for my upcoming retreat organized. I keep spare tools, rulers and as DH calls them “do-dads” in my retreat bag. I also have a retreat cosmetic bag, with night lights and power cords, spare glasses, etc on “Shane by”.
Selecting and readying projects is time consuming. I have to get a wiggle on as day 1 is Jan 11….through Jan. 15. 😁

Last edited by tricia-anne (12/23/2023 9:15 pm)


12/23/2023 9:42 pm  #67


DEVONNE my goodness, so glad he wasn't badly injured, I agree the car looks a write off. Will you have a big lunch, or everyone bring something? Have a good time, glad you got the e-mails, sometimes it helps me to 'see' it in print. 

SANDRA oh how lovely, I do love those pics, and yes, it's a gorgeous part of your country. We stopped to see a covered bridge in NH, not sure where I will have to look it up.  I have been cooking up a storm too, turkey breast (rolled and stuffed) they are only small, one for us, and one to take to Megan tomorrow - also turkey stuffing balls, the boys request, and jellies also, now they were a lot of hard work, open a packet add boiling water, stir, add cold water, very taxing LOL  Your baking is much more arduous, and sounds wonderful.

So very glad Colleen has her power back on, hope she didn't lose too much in her fridge.

I still have potato salad to make, and salads to prepare tomorrow, but that's quick and easy, PLUS I had some spaghetti sauce frozen, so spaghetti bolognese it is for tonight, it's Christmas Eve, and it will be nice to have something different from turkey, ham etc.

JANET maybe if you take pics of them, ask your family if they want any, and destroy if they don't. I am pretty ruthless with that kind of thing, it will all go when we die, so I say get rid of it now, unless it's particularly important LOL

Good luck with the painting!

HOLLY it's wonderful the room is finished, will you be able to move in straight away, you want to set up your machine don't you?? Will it need to have a separate table? Exciting for you all!

MARYLOU oh no, the best laid plans!!!! It's hard, but with covid around so much it's still messes with everyone, I am hoping that W's sis survives her short visit to her brothers, so much of it around here. I hope you have a good day after all. and you will have more celebrations to come with family to look forward to. 

We had a nice visit for John's party, just family friends and the other grandparentsThey came late, wanted the cake to be cut early (that didn't happen) and left straight after. All night she complained that they HAVE to install rails on their front AND back steps, as she finds it hard to walk up. REALLY for her one visit a year, spend thousands! The steps are fairly steep, and that is one reason I do the training, I was slow getting up them, now I can run up LOL The woman needs to stop eating, and drinking Diet coke, and get some excercise.!! She is diabetic, and didn't stop eating all night. LOL

John loved his gifts from us, I did a beautiful package, his colours were black and gold, I had lovely paper in black/gold/white stripes. Some gold bows, and gold ribbon, and had put an electric shave and his Apple air pod pros in the large box, it looked so pretty, he and Dean raced upstairs to open it !! I asked Megan, if she had seen the  package, that was part of the fun, to have a big box with small things! BOYS !!

I went out early today to get a charger, all the money you pay for those things, and you have to buy a separate charger, it does come with cord, but the charger is better.

I had been texting with Julie yesterday afternoon (quilting teacher ) she was asking about the Cunard ships, she had found a short cruise next year (5 nights 11-16 Dec) we ended up on the phone talking about it with our husbands, and Warwick got so interested in it I ended up booking us on it just now. It will be so lovely to see the ship all decorated for Christmas, I messaged her, and she is seeing their travel agent on Thursday. 

I am all set for Christmas now, I have only one gift to take to their place, took the rest yesterday. 

 It's nice to be prepared, and I would love a nap, the Mr is bored, so he's now napping in front of the golf on TV LOL

I will be back later to lock, almost forgot it's Sunday here!


(((hugs))) and prayers
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