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12/16/2020 8:09 pm  #1

Protein Balls


1 1/2 cups traditional rolled oats ( not steel cut, just plain)
1 cup nut butter (jars here have that amount - my favourite is cashew, last batch made with almond though)
1/4 cup honey ( I have fresh from the farm)
1/2 cup sultans or raisins
4 level tablespoons protein powder - mine is vanilla

Whizz it all up in the food processor, tip into a large bowl, and scoop out with either a spoon, or ice-cream scoop, I do it near the kitchen sink, filled with cold water, and keep dipping my hands into the water, to mould the balls.
It is a bit messy, but quick to do.

Store in the fridge in covered container. I think it makes 14 - 18 depending on size, I have never counted them. I make mine smaller than a golf ball size but bigger than walnuts.

(((hugs))) and prayers

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